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Saturday, January 23, 2010

the baby died

Well we still have the rabbits we bought a couple of posts ago... and a few more : )
the idea is to have them ready to go right before Easter. The last litter that was born was the mom's first litter. My husband found them half frozen and brought them all in. There were 8 kits (baby bunnies) then 5 then 3 then just one who was hanging in there and doing fairly well. I was trying to get mom to feed her and then mommy rabbit "dried up" and I was nursing her along "bottle" feeding her a few times a day and trying to keep her warm. She did well at first but just started loosing her strength when she couldn't get anything from mommy bunny. She was so little just starting to get some fuzz and fit right in the palm of my hand. Then this last Monday when I went to feed her before work, I didn't have to cause she was dead. I knew that would probably happen and had tried to not get attached but that didn't really work. Needless to say I started my day out pretty depressed and it was a long hard day. : (

Saturday, January 16, 2010

sleaping together

I never had my own room till I was about 8 or 9 and my little sister and I used to fight like cats and dogs about everything involved with sharing a room. Who had to turn out the light as I remember was a key battle in the war every night. Then when older siblings moved out and we finally got our own rooms ... guess what happened... we slept in each others rooms! My poor parents... at least they didn't have to get out of bed themselves to referee the light switch game but they were stunned. We did love each other and missed having someone there and we could choose so it was "my idea" and "home rules applied" so that solved the fights you didn't like it... go to your own room.
I think of that though when the girls who have always had separate rooms want to sleep together in the same bed. I am stunned because both of them are very "active" sleepers. But they seem to make it through the night with out beating each other up.
It also is funny that 6yr old slept with mommy and daddy until she was about 2 1/2 and 2yr old couldn't because she has always snored so bad and been such a fidgety sleeper that no one slept is now at 2 1/2 starting to demand to sleep with mommy and daddy that she can get out of her bed and come to ours.

no ballet today

6yr old missed her first ballet class in 2 yrs. : (
She woke up throwing up. She was supposed to have a friend come over and play after class and was trying her very best to feal better!
With tears in the background on my end I had to call her friend and tell her 6yr old was sick. She did continue to "spill it" as she used to call it so the tough decision was a good call.
Not to worry to much she's feeling much better and has her same little attitude back.

Friday, January 15, 2010

grocery shopping as a family outing?

Well, we needed to go grocery shopping (after Hubby and I went shopping for dress clothes to fit me a good part of the day as a date how exciting for him?) and the kids were hungry. S0 instead of waiting we loaded everyone in the car and headed to McD's first -to save time and make it so the 6 year old would want to come- and that went pretty well. Of course there was some coercing to get the kids meals eaten. Then off to Weis for some groceries. We haven't bought that many groceries at once in a LONG time. We ended up with two carts and trying to keep the kids contained in the "car" part in the front of one cart. We managed to keep track of both of them and get the groceries paid for -everything on our list plus not too many extra items- without too much fighting, although a bedtime trip to the grocery store probably isn't the best family date in the world.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Farm animals

I am so excited I finally have some pets. Mom and Dad finally decided that I could have some rabbits, I wanted just one but we ended up getting three one was for grammy but it was the wrong kind. Now I love all three of my bunnies. Mom and Dad say the girl will have babies but we'll have to sell some of those next year. We'll see about that, I want to keep at least 5. Dad bought cows too, there not pets though, but they are fun to feed and watch. They say we and other people will eat them next year. Dad's been working on the fence a lot and sometimes I get to help!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

my 10 favorite kids games

  1. colouring
  2. hide and seek
  3. tag
  4. dogs
  5. horses
  6. swinging
  7. riding my bike
  8. sledding
  9. cutting and pasting
  10. making a "project"

Friday, March 13, 2009

My mommies no fun when she's sick

My mommy is sick and that is no fun, for any of us. She's been sick all week. I got yelled at a lot when I didn't listen. Wednesday we went grocery shopping which isn't usually that fun anyway, but really not then she didn't even want to meet my music teacher when I saw her at the store. We did get to eat McDonald's on the way home though. I sure hope she gets better soon.

Monday, March 9, 2009

i spent so long at school I forgot what I did

My kindergartener always sais I dont know? when you ask her what she did. Especially at school. They must not do anything there. Or she is just gona be one of those kids that you have to pry any information out of her. Sometimes later in the day she will start coming out with more information.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

this is not how this works mom

Well I worked this afternoon so I had to drop the baby off at about 11:00. She usually is the first one there at 6:30 am when she goes to the sitters. But today everyone was already there. And this is NOT her normal routine. She has gotten used to being home with me too. She did not want to stay there! I had to hand her to the sitter and walk away and not look at her. I'm sure soon after I left she was fine but especially after Last Wednesday at the dentist it was not easy for me. Poor thing doesn't understand my wierd work schedual its sure not the schedule she's used to.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What I day my kids had, especially the older one. She had Ballet (pre-ballet) this morning came home and "helped daddy" bring fire wood to the house. Then she visited Grandma and Granpa who she is so lucky to live right down the street from. Then we had to hurry up and change for a birthday party for her best friend. It was almost an hour away so we were about a half hour late. Played at the gymnastics place for a couple of hours and her sister ate and watched. Then the hour ride home. Of course my kids love to manage their time by doing there sleeping in the car not while Im at home and can take advantage of them sleeping! Then Mommy had to go sign up for t-ball by herself, no way could I have been in and out of there in 20 min. with both girls. Then when mommy got home we piled in the car and went to a "chilli cookoff" social at church. The girls had fun playing with the other kids although the baby played mostly by herself but always keeping track of where her sister was. She is so expressive, someone asked her where the other girls were and she just looks at them and shrugs her shoulders with her hands up and a supised frownish look on her face like I dont know Im busy with this rocking horse.